
Why I love him..

This vod is the reason why I loved him, love him and will love him..

You are so beautiful~~

You are so beautiful..

My doll with the music "You are so beautiful" that Mr. Im sang...

You raise me up

You raise me up...

He recorded ths music "You raise me up" on Korean Broadcasting System Radio Studio.

2007.9.3 IF

2007.9.3 IF

Im tae kyung has started to do a benefit performance since August on 2007.

This is one of the performances. On this, he sang "IF".

2007.11.9 Goose's dream

The song title: Gooes's dream

This song is a famous korean song which is about the story people has a dream.

Even if someone said "You cant make your dream come true. It's not possible.", we will do, we can do and we will show the dream. Because we have a hope that our dream will be come true some time. Please look at me and waiting me.. we will show you our dream..


2007.12.23 Performance "You and me "

2007.12.23 his performance on Korea open concert

Song title: "You and me "