long time no see..
I'm sorry for I can't often send my message to you...
These days, I don't have any time to spare for you.
The members of musical Winter Sonata thank me for your great present, lunch baskets.
They said, "we have big eating fortune for we play with you, Tae-kyung! Thank you and your great fans!"
I already ate your love ,which you prepared for me , by my mind and body....
I'm a iron man because of your big love and tonic.
Thank you. ^-^
Performance of open conert...
I could pass off without mischance for your support.
I was disappointed not meeting you after a performance.
Every time I really sorry for I couldn't see you ,who supported me, after a performance.
Well ....
Did I seem like that through a TV tube ...?^^
I...don't make-up haveily my face...^^ I just wear basic make-up so as not to make face shine by lighting fixtures ...
Actually....I don't like make-up...
I think even though only I rub powder into my skin, I have much marks of make-up ... on my face.
Undoubtedly I don't put a bit of lippy on ...
Former days someone said that I put on lipstick , so I leaft the elucidation about that.
Before standding stage, a coordinator put a bit of lip gloss on my lips.
And ... My fingernail and hair.^^
I didn't do anything on my fingernail.
Surely I didn't get my nails done. ^^
I didn't have my hair permed .
Because I have naturally curly hair that doesn't have to be permed, it seems like permed hair by hairdo.
I don't care about what you said like "Tae-kyung get his nails done" and " Tae-kyung might had his hair permed.".. ^^
I don't complain of your comment, but thank you for looking at me well.
And I want to say " the truth is that... " ^^
I exercise musical Winter Sonata hard.
I try to take care of my self.
On a change of season, you... Please take care~~~
I'm really sorry for prepareing my fan letter address quickly ....
Would you waiting for this more?
I'll prepare it as soon as possible.
Well, I'll send the news to you again.
Take care~~~
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